2023 Tractor Pull, Swap Meet & Show Sponsors
The ARTHC would like to say “Thank You” to all Sponsors & Supporters many are listed bellow.
This List is in alphabetical order
This List is only a draft and some people are missing, Will be updating this asap
(sorry for any spelling mistakes & people or companies also missed, please contact the webadmin to correct your listing)
Atlantic Oils
B. Fields (Tractor Pull Sled)
Canberra & District Historic Engine Club

Cherry Capital Collectors Club, Young NSW

Garner Logging, Tumut
Gundagai Bakery

Gundagai Visitor Information Centre

Gundagai Showground Trust (for the use of the grounds)

Gundagai Pony Club (for the use of there pavilion)

Kooringal Butchery

C Molony (Tractor Pull Sled)
C Nicholls & Family (Coolroom)
Scott Menz Transport Wagga

SES Gundagai and there Volunteers (BBQ & Cooks)

Sounds Of The Mountains Radio Station
Tumut Fuel Supplies Pty Ltd
Yass Antique Farm Machinery Club (Tractor Pull Sled)

We would like to also say thanks to the Western Sydney Group for coming with all there tractors.
Also to there sponsors too.
A huge thanks also goes to all the Clubs/People that are also not listed here, Including all the other Tractors, Oil Engine's, Bikes, Cars, Trucks & Military Vehicles groups that came and displayed at our Show.
We also better not forget our tireless Members & Volunteers