1 Jack Moses Av, Gundagai NSW 2722 0260672106 info@arthc.com.au Museum Normal Opens Days & Times FRI, SAT & SUN 10am to 3pm

Donations To Our Museum

Our museum is in the stage of making a library.

This library will house a large collection of things including Mags & Manuals and so much more.

Anyone wishing to donate there old Manuals and so forth are asked to please contact us first by one of the contacts bellow.

Click on the "Contact Us" Button Bellow for our online form, in the form select Museum, Donations, then please full out the for the best you can and if photos please include too.

contact us button

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Call: 0260672106

Info we will ask include Town, What the Item is, How will you get it to us if we accept it.

To note: Some items may need our committee approval, this could take some time like a month or 2 if not more.

Our Postal Address (Depending on size) is our Museum Address at: 1 Jack Moses Av, Gundagai NSW 2722


Other Items, Like Trucks / Parts / Equipment.

These Items MUST have Committee Approval

Info needed for Approval : Accurate Item Info including current photos of the item, where the item is and how would it get to the museum.

Without this we may not take the items.

Also to note: Current empty space in the museum in minimal.

Please contact us first by one of the contacts bellow.

Click on the "Contact Us" Button Bellow for our online form, in the form select Museum, Donations, then please full out the for the best you can and if photos please include too.

contact us button

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Call: 0260672106


To note: Committee Approval, this could take some time like a month or 2, if not more.