1 Jack Moses Av, Gundagai NSW 2722 0260672106 info@arthc.com.au Museum Normal Opens Days & Times FRI, SAT & SUN 10am to 3pm

Museum Donation Acknowledgement.

This Page Is slowly being worked on.

This section is to Acknowledge and Thank the People &/or Business that Have Donated to the Displays at our museum.

This List is in alphabetical order.

Abbott Family of Sydney NSW (Including J. Abbott)

M. Ambrose, Tumut NSW.

C.J. Dean Transport,  Adelong NSW.

R. Emmerson,  Sydney NSW. (Including: P. Wall,  Canberra ACT)

Greenvale Fire Brigade,  Greenvale VIC.

S. Haddow,  Wodonga VIC.

G. Rose,  Gundagai NSW.

Sloan, Wall, Sawtell Family's. (Including A. Webster,  Perth WA).

Wollongong City Council Depot,  Wollongong NSW.

(Please Note: The Town Listed next to the Person &/or Business Name is only Close to there area that they are (This is For Private reasons)
(Also To note: That some Names &/or Info may at times may be removed, are out of date &/or Not known at this time)